Tracking Influence of AI in Telecom

Reading Time: 5 minutes to read


Have you ever wondered how AI in telecom is changing the industry? Despite all the buzz about AI’s latest advancements, like ChatGPT, it’s still a relatively new field. But AI and machine learning have already been making waves in many industries, improving how businesses operate. In telecom, three key areas highlight AI’s powerful impact: generating massive amounts of data, automating routine tasks, and optimizing software-driven processes.

Think about it. Modern telecom networks connect countless devices and millions of users, producing vast data for AI to analyze. Operations like network management, service assurance, and capacity planning involve endless repetitive tasks that AI can automate. Almost every one of these tasks relies on software operations, making them perfect for AI optimization.

So, what does this mean for the future of telecom? How will AI reshape this industry, and where should communication service providers (CSPs) focus their efforts? These are crucial questions, and in this blog series, we’ll start by exploring why AI holds such great potential for transforming CSP operations. By reading this post, you’ll gain a clearer understanding of AI’s role in telecom and what the future might hold for this dynamic industry.

Revisiting Why AI Matters to Telecom

Revisiting why AI matters to telecom is essential because CSPs (Communication Service Providers) face significant challenges that AI is well-positioned to address. With rising network upgrade costs and flat revenues, CSPs need innovative solutions. Here’s how AI in telecom can make a difference:

Drive down costs and complexity: As network costs rise and revenues remain flat, CSPs must find ways to reduce expenses. AI can help by automating many network tasks, reducing the need for highly skilled workers. This automation can lower operational expenses (OpEx) and allow existing teams to achieve more with less effort. Additionally, AI can help reduce capital expenditures (CapEx) by optimizing resource use and extending the life of network equipment, especially in radio access networks (RAN).

Increase revenues and competitive differentiation: AI-driven automation can speed up the introduction of new services, reducing both costs and time. Complex network models needed for innovative services like network slicing, mass-scale IoT connectivity, and low-latency XR applications can be automated. CSPs can also leverage massive amounts of network and user data to understand customers better and predict market trends more accurately, leading to new revenue opportunities.

Improve sustainability: As CSPs commit to reducing CO2 emissions, they face the challenge of measuring and managing emissions across extensive infrastructures. AI is ideal for analyzing complex systems, helping operators track energy use, mixing green and traditional energy sources, and implementing new operational patterns in real-time. These improvements can lead to significant sustainability gains.

The transformative potential of AI in telecom is substantial. Analysts estimate that the average telco can gain about $1.3 billion in value per year from AI and automation technologies, equivalent to 8% of their annual revenue. A significant portion of this—around 70%—will come from combined network CapEx and OpEx savings, amounting to $891 million annually.

The Race to Maximize AI Value

The race to maximize AI value is on, and telecom providers are fully aware of its importance. Facing tough financial situations, complex operations, and a shortage of skilled workers, CSPs see AI as a potential solution to these challenges. For many telecom leaders, embracing AI is not just an option; it’s essential for staying competitive in the rapidly evolving technology landscape. The fear of being left behind in the AI revolution is one of the biggest concerns for CSP leaders today.

Given this urgency, forward-thinking CSPs are already making significant strides in AI. Collaborations, like the Global Telco AI Alliance, are forming to speed up the adoption of AI and transform business operations. This alliance aims to create an industrywide Telco AI Platform to foster new AI-driven services. Early adopters in the telecom industry are leveraging AI to reduce costs and boost revenues, setting a trend that others will need to follow to remain competitive.

Meanwhile, AI technology itself is advancing at a rapid pace. As AI becomes more integrated into various businesses, telecom customers will start expecting more personalized and higher-quality experiences enabled by AI, even as telecom networks become increasingly complex. The message is clear: CSPs need to invest in building AI skills now to meet these growing demands and stay ahead in the game.

By focusing on AI, CSPs can address their most pressing challenges, improve customer experiences, and secure their place in the future of telecom. The potential benefits are too significant to ignore, making the push for AI in telecom not just a strategic move, but a necessity for long-term success.

The Telco AI Opportunity

When it comes to leveraging AI in telecom, CSPs (Communication Service Providers) have a wide range of opportunities. STL Partners identifies four main categories where AI can be applied to maximize benefits:

Network Optimization: AI can significantly enhance the performance, efficiency, and sustainability of telecom networks. For example, AI can automate many operational tasks like the lifecycle management of network functions and predictive maintenance, which helps extend the life of network equipment. In 5G radio networks, RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) platforms are becoming innovation hubs. They can power down cell site components when not in use and optimize spectral capacity, ensuring efficient use of resources.

Network and Service Assurance: AI can transform how CSPs handle network reliability and troubleshooting. AI and machine learning models can detect anomalies and perform root cause analysis (RCA) much faster than humans. Many problems can even be fixed autonomously, improving overall network performance and reliability. Predictive maintenance driven by AI further boosts reliability by addressing issues before they become critical. Some leading telcos are also using generative AI (GenAI) to enhance customer support interactions, making them more efficient and effective.

Network Planning: AI helps CSPs optimize infrastructure and capacity planning to meet evolving demand. Operators can use network Digital Twins to simulate planned changes and assess their impact on the network and users before making them. AI-driven predictive analytics can also provide insights into customer behavior, helping CSPs identify the best markets for new services and optimize capacity planning.

Service Innovation: AI makes it easier to develop, implement, scale, and manage next-generation services, as well as optimize existing ones. Leading telcos are already exploring AI to accelerate the rollout of network slicing and automate the management of edge computing resources. This not only speeds up service deployment but also ensures that resources are used efficiently.

Unleashing Telco AI

Unleashing AI in telecom is a game-changer, and VMware is the perfect partner to help CSPs make the most of this opportunity. Here’s why:

Multi-cloud extensibility: VMware is a cloud-agnostic vendor, which means we can provide unified visibility and management across different hyper-scale and hybrid clouds. This flexibility helps reduce the risk of being locked into one vendor’s AI ecosystem, giving CSPs the freedom to choose the best solutions for their needs.

Advanced ML intelligence: VMware uses some of the most advanced machine learning capabilities in the industry. Our ML algorithms, particularly in Telco Cloud Service Assurance, gather vast amounts of network data to train AI models. This extensive data collection gives CSPs a significant advantage in analyzing their networks and speeding up root cause analysis (RCA).

Industry-leading RIC ecosystem: VMware’s RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) platform is at the forefront of bringing third-party innovation to telecom networks. With more application developers supporting our platform than any other vendor, we offer 14 AI applications to optimize RAN traffic management, energy consumption, and more. Our extensive ecosystem of partners, including Nvidia and Intel, helps CSPs implement AI solutions smoothly and get the most value from their investments.

Conclusion: Tracking Influence of AI in Telecom

In conclusion, the influence of AI in telecom is profound and holds the potential to address the industry’s most pressing challenges. From driving down costs and complexity to increasing revenues and improving sustainability, AI offers transformative solutions for CSPs. The urgency to adopt AI is clear as forward-thinking CSPs are already making significant strides through collaborations and innovative platforms.

By focusing on key areas such as network optimization, service assurance, network planning, and service innovation, CSPs can maximize the benefits of AI. VMware, with its multi-cloud extensibility, advanced machine learning capabilities, and industry-leading RIC ecosystem, is well-positioned to support CSPs in this AI journey. Their groundbreaking Private AI solutions also address critical data privacy concerns, enabling CSPs to harness AI confidently.

As AI technology continues to evolve rapidly, CSPs must invest in building AI skills and capabilities to stay competitive and meet growing customer expectations. Embracing AI is not just a strategic move but a necessity for long-term success in the telecom industry. By leveraging AI effectively, CSPs can improve operational efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and secure their place in the dynamic future of telecom.

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