Shortly AI Review: Everything You Need To Know

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Are you struggling to keep up with content demands for your blog or website? With the abundance of SEO tools available, it can be overwhelming to translate ideas into written pieces, especially without a team of writers. Enter Shortly AI – an AI-powered solution designed to alleviate this burden. But does it live up to the hype?

Curious about its capabilities, I opted for a one-month subscription to tackle my content backlog. As I ventured into using ShortlyAI, I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of its output. The sentences flowed naturally, exhibiting a level of fluency that defied typical AI-generated text.

In this review, I’ll share my firsthand experience with ShortlyAI, detailing its strengths and weaknesses. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or a website owner seeking efficient content creation, this review promises valuable insights to help you make an informed decision. Discover how ShortlyAI can streamline your content creation process and elevate your online presence.

Fact-Checking Costs Time of Shortly AI

So, picture this: I’m cruising through my workload, knocking out articles left and right with ShortlyAI. It’s like having a supercharged AI writing buddy by my side, churning out content faster than I could’ve imagined. But then, bam! I run smack into a major roadblock that shatters my confidence in the tool.

I decide to fact-check some of the stuff it’s been spitting out, and boy, am I in for a shock. Turns out, a good chunk of what ShortlyAI was dishing out was flat-out wrong. Like, not even close to accurate. And trust me, the last thing I need is to look like a clueless fool by publishing misinformation.

Now, here’s where things start to unravel. Not only do I have to spend precious time digging up the right info, but I also have to go back and rework a ton of the content that ShortlyAI botched. At this rate, it would’ve been quicker to just write the darn articles myself from scratch.

Needless to say, this whole debacle seriously dented my trust in ShortlyAI’s ability to actually save me time. I mean, if it can’t even get basic facts right, what good is it, right? From here on out, I can only rely on it for topics I’m already familiar with. At least then, I can catch any slip-ups before they spiral out of control.

And just like that, strike one against the AI writing dream team. But hey, live and learn, right?

The AI Has Some Very Obvious Bugs

Alright, let me break it down for you. This AI writer, ShortlyAI, works its magic by scouring the internet, gathering info, and whipping up summaries like a pro. It’s like having a research assistant and a writer rolled into one. Sounds pretty slick, right?

But here’s the kicker – it’s got some serious bugs lurking in the system. I’m talking about glitches so glaringly obvious, that they make you wonder if the thing even went through basic QA testing.

Case in point: social media links. Now, you’d think the AI would know better than to treat those as juicy nuggets of info ripe for the picking. But nope, it’s like a kid in a candy store, grabbing anything and everything in sight.

I’ll give you an example. Picture this gem of a snippet it served up for me:

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Check out our latest tweets and Instagram pics!”

I mean, come on! How does that even pass for legitimate content? It’s like the AI’s filter went on vacation and forgot to clock back in.

So yeah, dealing with these bugs has been a real headache. You’d think there’d be some basic rules in place to keep the AI from munching on irrelevant stuff like social media links. But hey, I guess perfection takes time – and a lot of debugging.

Is English Your Second Language?

Let’s talk about something important: language. Now, I’m no grammar guru myself, but English is my jam. Sure, I stumble over words sometimes, and make a typo here and there, but hey, who doesn’t?

Here’s the thing though – when it comes to spotting wonky grammar, weird context, or just plain gibberish, I’ve got a bit of an edge. And you know who helps me out with that? Yep, you guessed it – this AI writing wizard.

But here’s where things get tricky. This tool? It’s like a master of disguise. It churns out sentences that sound so darn convincing, you’d think Shakespeare himself penned them. But here’s the kicker – it’s not always right.

Now, imagine you’re not a native English speaker. You’re trying to up your writing game, hoping this AI will be your ticket to better English. Sounds like a plan, right? Wrong.

See, the problem is, that this tool can lead you down a dark path. It’s like a siren song, luring you in with promises of perfect prose. But if you’re not careful, you’ll end up with a hot mess on your hands – and a dent in your wallet.

And here’s the kicker: if you’re thinking of hiring freelance writers on the cheap, think again. Because chances are, you’ll end up with something spat out by ShortlyAI – and trust me, that’s not a road you wanna go down.

So yeah, if you’re banking on this tool to sprinkle some English magic on your writing, you might wanna think twice. Because instead of smooth sailing, you could end up navigating a minefield of mistakes. And nobody wants that.

The AI struggles To Understand Sometimes

So, let me paint you a picture of my week-long rendezvous with ShortlyAI. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t pretty. It was a straight-up time sink. I mean, we’re talking hours wasted on tweaking, editing, and basically babysitting this AI writer.

 Its a complete and utter failure to grasp what I was trying to say. Like, imagine you’re chatting with someone, and they keep fixating on one random word you mention, totally missing the bigger picture.

Take the word “cup cake,” for example. Seems pretty straightforward, right? Well, not for ShortlyAI. It’d latch onto “cup” and “cake” separately, completely ignoring the delicious treat we all know and love.

So, in a fit of frustration, I decided to put ShortlyAI to the ultimate test: I asked it to write a review about itself. And let me tell you, it was a train wreck from start to finish. Not only did it miss the mark entirely, but the content it spat out was about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

Now, I get it – AI writing tools aren’t miracle workers. They need a little hand-holding to churn out quality content. But seriously, if ShortlyAI can’t even grasp the concept of a self-review, what hope does it have with more complex topics?

So yeah, if you’re thinking of giving ShortlyAI a spin, just be prepared to roll up your sleeves and put in some serious elbow grease. Because turning its jumbled mess of words into something coherent?


In conclusion, while ShortlyAI offers the promise of streamlined content creation, my experience reveals significant limitations. Despite its ability to generate text at an impressive pace, the tool’s shortcomings in fact-checking, comprehension, and handling of nuanced language pose significant challenges. These issues not only undermine the efficiency gains touted by AI writing but also risk compromising the quality and accuracy of generated content.

Furthermore, the prevalence of bugs and the tool’s tendency to misinterpret context underscore the importance of caution when relying on AI for content creation. While it may serve as a helpful tool for those already knowledgeable on a topic, it falls short in scenarios requiring nuanced understanding and accuracy.

Ultimately, the decision to incorporate ShortlyAI into your content creation workflow hinges on a careful consideration of its strengths and limitations. While it may offer some benefits in terms of efficiency and productivity, users should be prepared to invest additional time and effort in fact-checking and refining output. In navigating the landscape of AI writing tools, it is essential to temper expectations with a realistic understanding of their capabilities and limitations.

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